Catching opaleye Rock bream mullet with sea fishing

Today, I came fishing on a small breakwater in the Gimnyeong Port. The wind speed exceeded 8m / s and fishing was done from the small breakwater left side. This is where the breakwater blocks the wind and makes fishing easy. Today's preparation is Wenkiq, using Mono No. 3 and No. 2 (40cm, 50cm). The needle used the No. 5 for the Benguad, while the Bengir had a 1g adjustment ring and the Capel No. 4. The bait used green bread crumbs and the bottom bread crumbs and powder were mixed in a ratio of 2: 1. The depth of the water was about 2 ~ 3m and I was fishing, but I was able to get the nectar of Bengadeom and Dodom. It was a day that I could see the taste of my hand and my taste thanks to the preparations.
