A fishing trip in search of a largemouth bass

Today, I tried bass fishing on the main Nakdong River. When I arrived at the point and looked at the waterfront from above, I saw a break line. So I tried to target the line. In thigh boots, I went close to the breakline and cast. There is a place where hell-like stumbling occurs at 10 o'clock, but the mouth has entered. I used the pre-league preparation, but I was able to get a kiss after repeating dragging, hopping, and staying. I grabbed a few from here and moved points. The second point is a point with a straight wall falling in front. Usually you can get under the cliff, and today it was. Now that the weather has loosened a lot, I was able to get into the water and taste the bath in warm weather.

#Fishing #largemouthbass #Baspoint
