Sed Worm Bass Fishing

Today I came to the shrine where I was fishing topsperson last time with Deeps Buzz Jet Jr. I came to the same point, but there was a lot of water level in two weeks. The last time I parked was completely watered. I did not get much points, so I started fishing lightly with a 3 inch EZ Shiner on ul. I witnessed the feed and got two of them. And then moved to another source inlet. The water was clear and I could see the bass wandering around. Then I discovered a bass feeding to eat a bed. I cast one on the spot and grabbed another. I moved to Daecheong-ho and took out one more sachet with a 4-inch Shadworm. Today, most of them are medium - sized, but their size is very bad. But it is always fun to fish in good air and scenic nature.
